Wednesday, August 10, 2011

10 Things about me

I was inspired by my friend Jenn, who was inspired by someone else, who wrote ten things about herself. I thought I would try it myself. I thought it would be fun to do it without editing any part of it… Other than spelling mistakes of course. I’m too anal for that.

1)      I used to say I want to be a writer. Now I say I am a writer. I used to think I wanted a book on the New York Times best sellers list. Now I just want to publish a book.
2)       Up until I was 39 years old, I had never been in love. When I did fall in love, I fell hard. It has taken me just over a year to get over it.
3)      I love chocolate. I would like to have a chocolate fountain running in my home, car and office 24/7 so I can eat chocolate any time I want. When my Mom was diagnosed with cancer I medicated myself by eating pounds upon pounds of M&M’s. I heated them up in a little glass bowl. Oh the lovely crack of the candy coating and delicious burst of melted chocolate. As a result, I gained about 45-50 lbs.
4)      At 36 I lost my Mom, had major surgery (Hysterectomy) lost my job and the man I dated for almost ten years, who would never make me his “girlfriend” left me to be with another woman he did make his girlfriend, all within a span of five months. As a result, I had a major break down that was very quiet and internal. I hid it by almost never leaving my home. Hiding it was the dumbest thing I could do so I finally took the advice of a good friend and talked to my Dr. about my depression. It took me about a year to get out of it but ever since, I have been very happy.
5)     I own a 1969 BSA which is a very pretty old British motorcycle. 
6)      I have loads and loads of tattoos and I find them very helpful while riding the city bus to and from work. No one will sit beside me unless the seat beside me is the only empty one. I love it. Having the seat to myself means I don’t have to be forced to listen to their cell phone conversations, feel their grime and know they must stink even though I can’t smell them or have some useless conversation about the weather. But I also hate them for the same reason. When I am in the grocery store in the winter and they are all covered up I get treated with respect. In the summer, the same people that treated me with respect in the winter treat me with distain while they are showing in the summer. Never did quit get that one. Oh well, prejudice is everywhere.
7)      I don’t have a sense of smell. Never have, probably never will. My sense of touch is heightened. When someone touches my face gently in a loving manner, I can feel their fingerprints. I can taste but not as much as some people can. I taste sweet, sour, salty and savory. I can’t tell you if there is garlic, rosemary or any other flavoring in a recipe.
8)      I love my Cat. Her name is Beans. She saved my life. A year after my Mom died my Mamma Cat died. I was lost without her and decided to get another cat straight away. I found Beans on Used Victoria and fell in love with her the second I met her. She was five when I got her. I still have a relationship with the people I adopted her from. They are great people and I am grateful to them every day of my life.  
9)      I love my Dad. We weren’t always very close. It wasn’t until after my Mom died that he and I got close. Now he is the most important person in my life.
10)  I am a Witch. I am a good Witch but I am not a very good Witch. Meaning, I am a White Witch but I am lax in my Witchiness. This bothers me and yet I do little about it. I think perhaps now that I have admitted that to myself and to you, I should do something about it.

So, that’s ten things about me. Unedited.

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